Sunday 23 September 2012

A landing strip?

The Holiness Revival in City of God Church
A landing strip
On the third Sunday of the Holiness Revival, the Lord asked me a question: "Will you let me use City of God as a landing strip?"  Not sure what the question fully meant, I did not bring the question to the church immediately. But during one of our early morning prayer meetings the question became clearer. I saw several aircrafts hovering over an airport and waiting for permission to come in to land. The aircraft were laden with cargoes from heaven and these cargoes were destined for the earth.

As the vision developed, it became clear that God was speaking about our present revival as well as what he is eager to do in many other places. God's churches are meant to be landing strips where the good things of heaven arrive first and then are transported into the very needy nations that God wants to reach and touch and bless. God's churches are his first port of call, in fact, his chosen ports of call as he seeks to reach a needy world.

Some of the aircraft have come in to land among us over the last few weeks and my, what a cargo!  Joy, power, light, divine energy, healings, aircraft loads of angels, and lots more besides, that we cannot describe.  Our church has been permanently changed by these initial landings. The lives of a number of our people have been transformed beyond recognition. What might often need several months of regular discipleship to accomplish has been sorted out in one or two encounters with the risen Lord Jesus.  I was reading one of the testimonies out today at our prayer meeting and at the end one of our elders said, "This does not sound like the person who wrote it."  We all agreed but it showed the extent of the changes that God has accomplished in him over such a short time. And he is not alone.

So back to the question:  "Will you let me use your church as a landing strip?"  "God does not need my permission to do what he wants in His church" I thought, but then I felt reminded that just as he will never push his way into anyone's life, he will not push his way into any church either.

Then God showed me more.  He showed me his servant Joseph who gathered the produce of Egypt in the bumper years for the feeding of the hungry nations in the lean years. But whereas Joseph created a storehouse from the produce harvested from earth, the riches that God was waiting to deliver as he hovered over us were spiritual riches, heavenly treasures, not gathered from the earth, but from heaven. The world is starved of true life, truth, light and love.  God wants to pour these into the nations and he is waiting for us his churches to say "Yes" to him.  There is no shortage of the heavenly cargo.

I said "Yes" to the Lord and, when I brought the matter to the church in a later meeting, everyone said a big "Yes!"   And more stuff is being given to us, in increasing measure, in our meetings. But this is not for us alone in as much as cargoes are not to be kept at the airports permanently. We want to facilitate this well.

God's aircrafts, laden with heavenly cargo, are hovering over his churches waiting to land -   to first fill his churches and then use his churches as a gateway into a very needy world.

Make way, make way for the Lord!  Come, Lord Jesus come!

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