Sunday 23 September 2012

Another good story from the Holiness Revival

Michael Adipah works as an administrator in our school, New Nation School. Usually not an upfront person in our meetings, we found him right in the frontline when the revival broke out. Here he tells his story.

A fortnight ago l joined both the Saturday evening and early Sunday morning prayer times. During one of the prayer times l really enjoyed the presence of the Holy Spirit, God spoke to us that this month will be a month of greater works. What we’ve been struggling to do would become very easy, and we can achieved three times what we are normally able to accomplish.   I got excited suddenly, l didn’t know where the desire came from, l began to linger in the presence of God. Actually when the meeting was over l felt I just wanted to stay behind and enjoy more of the Holy Spirit. But it was time for another meeting so l had to leave. On my way home l wanted the hours to run quickly so that we could meet together and worship Jesus.

On our Sunday morning celebration l was more than eager to come. Although l knew that it’s Sunday l had to be in the meeting l felt this urge was unusual. So at the meeting it became clearer that the Holy Spirit was at work massively among us. I took my time again to enjoy myself in the presence of God and had good fellowship with him.
Our normal Sunday meeting that hitherto lasted two and half hours went on to five hours and even when the meeting was over people were still hanging around. Personally again I felt I just wanted to continue in this glorious fellowship and throughout the week my desire kept growing for the things of the Lord in terms of prayer, studying God’s word and fellowshipping together. So when on Tuesday l had a SMS txt message from our leaders that there would be mid week meeting on Wednesday. l said praise God! Little did l know that it was a building time for me.  (what happened on Wed?)
So the second Sunday, l had my experience. It all started half way through the meeting when l heard God saying to me we were just about to start, so we should pray in tongues. This kept coming to me again and again so finally l decided to tell the leader anchoring the meeting. While speaking to John, Joe started calling out sick people, people with any form of difficulty to come forward to be prayed for. Many people came to be prayed for. Within the same period Joe said we should pray in the spirit whilst ministering to the people who came forward. Immediately I discovered that the meeting had changed.  People were falling under the power of God. At that moment l went on my knees and praying. I later saw that John came and laid his hands on me and l could feel heat flowing through his hands. Before, l realised l was laying flat on the floor. Than l heard the word ‘permanent ` God was telling me that all that He is doing at the moment is going to be permanent. Be it healing, giving out spiritual gifts , changing bad habits, setting the captives free and many more. He gave me a scenario or picture of marriage where women before they got married they had a surname but when they got married the name is changed to the man’s name forever or permanently. So he said this is the kind of work He has done among us.
He has changed our situation permanently.

I also heard the word `unusual` mind blowing things which would be beyond imagination and understanding. In this case an institution or an organisation that has a routine system set up could be interrupted in various forms. How would you feel as CEO when suddenly in normal working hours employees start operating under the influence of the Holy Spirit?
Lastly, He gave me a song for the whole church which we sung. It was in Twi one of our local languages.  What is happening to me now l can only describe it us a genuine yearning for God. Now l do wake up in middle of my sleep and then pray, also within the day too I pray in the spirit spontaneously which wasn’t so initially. Therefore, l can boldly say that there has been a revival in my spiritual life. Personally, l could also say again that there is now a deep hunger and thirst for the Lord in my heart more than ever before. I pray that this kind of desire would multiply among us here in the City and go beyond our borders into the nations. I believe that the zeal of the Lord would accomplish this.
Michael Sroda Adipah.

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