Saturday 6 October 2012

A good story from the Holiness Revival (5)

Emily Kpikpi, a second year Biochemistry student at the University of Ghana, Legon.

On Wednesday night the whole church gathered for our first ever mid-week service. When Eli Ampofo started leading us in worship I began to laugh, just in agreement and joy over the words she was leading us to sing. At first, it was just at certain points in the song, when I really agreed, or felt the truth in the lines, and it was quiet laughter.  But as we continued to worship, I began to laugh louder and louder and longer and longer, at the awesomeness of God, and what He was doing among us. I couldn’t do anything about it and I knelt down, laughing still. And as God just revealed more and more of His holiness to me, all I could do was laugh. And then I was lying flat on my face, laughing and laughing and laughing. I was laughing really loudly and unrestrainedly.  
Although I have had a Holy Spirit encounter once before where I laughed, I have never laughed like this. This was beyond any laughter I’ve laughed in my entire life. I was laughing so much my stomach muscles were feeling strained.   I laughed and laughed and laughed, really loudly - I was kicking my feet in laughter - and I knew I couldn’t get up.  I wanted to stop and I tried to but I couldn’t.  I thought I was done at various points but as the worship time continued around me, the Holy Spirit just seemed to come in waves over me, and my laughter would be refreshed every time He washed over me, and I’d laugh louder.
Mum came over and began to pray for me and I began to pray in my head at that time, that God would speak to me as well as make me laugh, that as I was stuck there laughing helplessly, He would say what he had to say. And as I continued laughing and laughing, God was revealing how holy he is, and at one point I really wasn’t sure if I was laughing or crying, at his holiness, and how far short I fall of it. But then God reminded me of Jesus, and how Jesus came and died on the cross as a sacrifice for my sins and was raised to life again and that when I believed in Him, God gave me his holiness.  And the wonder of this made me laugh more:  that God should make me, and be making me, holy as he is holy. And I heard from God that there was much more to come. And the goodness of that just made me laugh.  
Earlier in the day I had been standing somewhere and had thought, out of the blue, what a great preaching spot it would be.  It was a balcony in a block of flats, overlooking a large courtyard. Now, as I lay on the floor laughing, God showed me that same courtyard filled with thousands of people, with other people out on their balconies too, and me preaching. And that made me laugh, at the sheer incredibleness of it.
And then I got up, and sat on my chair and Aunty Dora began to pray for me. And Daddy came and began to pray for me too. And as they prayed for me, I could see a bright light, so I opened my eyes, but the room wasn’t as bright as it seemed with my eyes closed. But when I closed my eyes it was super-bright, and it was getting brighter and I knew that Jesus was coming closer and closer to me, as the light got brighter and brighter. And I knew that soon I would be seeing his face, but I just couldn’t take the brightness. I thought I would die. And I covered my eyes and turned my head. And yet the brightness was all around me. I thought ‘Woe is me, really, my eyes have seen the King’.  I don’t know how to describe the encounter. But I just know that God left some words on my heart which I wrote down. He said there is much more to come; that we will see signs and wonders; that we will see the King; that he has placed a joy deposit in us. He’s going to come back and give us more and more and more. And I was reminded of a song which says “We’re inheriting the promises of God.”  More, Lord. Come amongst us. Have your way. Be our Holy King. Make us holy as You are holy. We love You, Lord.

Preaching from balcony
Much more to come
Seen the king
Signs and wonders
We are going to see it
Joy deposit
We’re inheriting the promises of God

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