Saturday 6 October 2012

A good story from the Holiness Revival (4)

Kwame Believer Gelli, a Physical Education teacher in our New Nation School.

My experience and encounter with God during the revival at City of God church

It all began on 2nd September, 2012 during a Sunday morning celebration.

For me it seemed a normal Sunday service at first but as I was worshipping and praising God, I felt a bit funny within myself. After a while I realised that there was some kind of heat within my body and I heard a voice saying "Take off your shirt", which I did.  I just couldn't believe what was going on - even though my name is BELIEVER!  It was like I had been taken away from this world to a different place altogether and God opened my eyes to see that I was dancing with angels. I remember very well that I danced like never before but I just couldn't figure out what was going on in my life at that point in time. The feeling on that Sunday was just different from any other day for me. It became obvious that God's Spirit was doing something in my life.

As I was praying, God was saying so many things to me but I remember two strong things that He was saying very clearly.  The first thing I heard was "I want to use you” and the other one was "It’s time to take off”.  I didn't know how He wanted to use me and how He wanted me to take off, though, but I went home after the service praying about what He had said to me.

On Wednesday of that week we had been asked to come for an evening meeting.  I was feeling very tired so I said I didn't think I could make it.  However, I stayed at the Church Centre after work to do some video editing with Isaac and after the editing I felt okay so I decided to stay for the meeting. I didn't know that it was going to be another amazing time with God.  As I was praying and worshipping God,  I realised that I was having the strange feeling again and the next moment I found myself on the floor - not evening sitting but lying down flat. 

Again, I didn't know what was going on and couldn't work out how and when I landed on the floor. I was still praying, though, but this time more in tongues.  I think it was then that I was beginning to recollect what He had spoken to me about using me and that the time had come to take off.  As I pressed on, I heard a voice, very loud and clear, saying "This is just the beginning of what I am about doing in your life.”

That was all for that evening but the whole of that week I just felt like a totally different person altogether. Each time I prayed in the mornings, the Holy Spirit would come upon me.   I sometimes ended up crying or speaking in tongues throughout. It’s going on well with me and God but, as I keep saying, it’s a strange thing for me as I have never had such an encounter with the Spirit before.

The most amazing and the biggest experience I have had of this feeling was on Sunday, 9th September – a day which I can never forget as long as I live. Again, it was just a cool and nice Sunday morning. As the service was going on, Pastor Joe made a call for people to come forward if they had any special needs so that people could pray for them.   He said that God was there to solve every problem in our lives. I went forward to be prayed for. To be honest, I wasn't expecting another encounter with the Holy Spirit but as I went forward, I immediately felt so much heat under my feet that I couldn't stand on them anymore. The next thing I knew, I was down on the floor again and this time round not just lying down but rolling, shouting and crying at the same time. I couldn't believe what was going on but I was really enjoying God.
When I became calm I got up and went to be prayed for (because I had not yet been prayed for when I fell). Daniel called me to pray for me and as he prayed he hugged me; the next moment I was on the floor again, crying very loudly and speaking in tongues. The whole morning was just me and God - which was really amazing but at the same time scary a bit (but in a good way though) because I was not in expectation of any that.

Right from that time onwards, I have noticed a big change in my life in a very good way. My relationship with God has risen to a different level. He has brought so many great things to my life - I cannot tell it all. I enjoy His presence each time I call on Him. He visits me whenever He wants to. I can see that I have grown spiritually.  I have shared my experience with some of my friends and they can actually see that the Believer of yesterday is just not the Believer of today. God has done something!! 

I can’t tell or know what this revival has brought to anyone else but I can boldly say that I have tasted the goodness of it. Right from that moment till now God has brought a great change into my life - spiritually, physically, emotionally and even socially. I have developed a great sense of courage and boldness in Christ. I know that God's own timetable for me has come. My time has come. The turning point leading to greater things has come and I’m just ready for it.

I encourage everyone to leave their differences behind and get involved in this revival for it has come to stay.  Beloved, what the Lord has done for me, I cannot tell it all but one thing I know for sure is that what the Lord has done for me, it shall be permanent.  AMEN.


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